Friday, December 20, 2013

summary about earthquake tsunamis

Stress in earths outer layer cause the fault to push, because of this rocks slip past each other releasing energy. the energy released goes in waves inside earths crust and cause the earth to shake meaning an earthquake. in the epicenter is were it happen on the surface so we feel it as it happens. using seismographs the earthquakes waves are measured to see how large thet got which the magnitude indicates. tsunamis are large  waves that can cause many buildings to collapse due to their force. it happens on the focus which is the area where an earthquake begin underground. there are 3 types of waves L wave, S wave, P wave.

Ring of fire

The ring of fire is an environment where large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen in the basin of the pacific ocean, the ring of fire has an importance is it help the earth get rid of its pressure under earths crust.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics 
Theory of Plate Tectonics: the crust that breaks apart into section of plates on top of the liquid menthol

Tectonic Plates: A section of the plate or crust.

Convection Currents: the movement of magma that makes plates move.

Plate Tectonics is the theory that the Earths outer shell is divided into several plates that move over the mantle. the plates act like hard shells. the convection currents cause movement of magma that makes plate move.

1. What type of boundaries are there?
There are three kinds of plate tectonic boundaries. divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries
2. what is oceanic crust and what is continental crust difference?
Oceanic crust is under the water and it is composed of basalt rock, continental crust is on land and is made up of granite rock.

Type of Volcanoes

Types of volcanoes

Shield Volcano: Comes Out very slowly and makes edges on the outside of the mountain.

Cinder Cone Volcano: is cone lava that comes out and makes cinder outside.

Composite Volcano: when lava comes out quick and explode.

Hot Spots: middle point is the really hot spot shoots up.

the difference between magma and lava is  magma is melted rock below Earths crust, and lava is melted rock that comes out of a volcano. volcanoes form deep inside Earth, and rocks from the mantle melt and moves up to the surface to shoot lava out through the hotspot.
1. where is magma located?
Magma is located deep in the continental crust.
2. what volcano shoots exploding lava?
composite volcano.

Monday, September 23, 2013

About Me

1. Science is amazing.
2. I like to play video games.
3. Cobra's scares me.
4. African food is my favorite food.
5. I will be a biologist when i grow up.
6. I have 4 siblings.
7. My favorite color is black.
8. My favorite thing to do is playing soccer after school.
9. Watch out for zombies.
10. I wish i can dunk.