Monday, November 25, 2013

Type of Volcanoes

Types of volcanoes

Shield Volcano: Comes Out very slowly and makes edges on the outside of the mountain.

Cinder Cone Volcano: is cone lava that comes out and makes cinder outside.

Composite Volcano: when lava comes out quick and explode.

Hot Spots: middle point is the really hot spot shoots up.

the difference between magma and lava is  magma is melted rock below Earths crust, and lava is melted rock that comes out of a volcano. volcanoes form deep inside Earth, and rocks from the mantle melt and moves up to the surface to shoot lava out through the hotspot.
1. where is magma located?
Magma is located deep in the continental crust.
2. what volcano shoots exploding lava?
composite volcano.

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